HUNÉP won the contract for the development of the Rákóczi Camp and Events Centre
- 2020-09-08

HUNÉP Zrt. was selected as the winning bidder in the public procurement procedure announced for the development of the Rákóczi Camp and Events Centre.
The owners Rákóczi Alliance has identified improving the quality of services provided in children’s camps as the focal point of the development investment, along with efficient operation and long-term sustainability, while also satisfying the market indicators of the sector.
The realization of the abovementioned objectives entails the following main elements of development:
- the comprehensive rehabilitation of the central set of buildings (the renovation of the hotel, the restaurant and the events centre, ensuring accessibility by installing a lift, adding a panoramic restaurant, etc.), while also improving the related infrastructure that has become obsolete (parking lots, landscaping, public utilities, etc.);
- the renovation of the pavilions to a different degree, but overall contributing to a further enhancement of the level of services.
The works will be implemented on a Natura 2000 area of approximately 5,600 square metres, which will include a hotel, restaurant, medical office, accommodation pavilions and sports facilities.