Hunép Zrt, hels its annual general meeting

  • 2024-07-16

HUNÉP Zrt.’s general meeting approved the company’s annual report on the last day of March. According to the report, the net sales revenue for 2021 was nearly 19.5 billion forints, while the after-tax profit was approximately 1.5 billion forints.

The annual general meeting of HUNÉP Zrt. was held on March 31, 2022, at the company’s headquarters on Simonffy Street, where the annual report was approved, and the use of the profit was decided. In addition to the company’s shareholders, the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board, and the auditor, other invitees were also present at the event.

As predicted by the company’s leaders during the 30th anniversary celebration, HUNÉP Zrt. closed one of the most successful years in its history. The most important figures in the report show that the net sales revenue for last year (2021) was 19,450,413 thousand forints, while the after-tax profit was 1,437,700 thousand forints.

In addition to the outstanding figures, HUNÉP Zrt. received several accolades last year. For example, the building of the Debrecen International School was awarded a prestigious prize, one of the most esteemed in the profession in Hungary. Furthermore, at the Aquaticum Debrecen Strand, also built by the company, a record number of 173,000 visitors enjoyed the water-based recreation at a facility designed to the highest professional standards of modern times. The company is currently involved in several projects within Debrecen and beyond the city’s borders, with the renovation of the Csokonai Theater being a standout.

In compliance with the Accounting Act, the company has published its annual report, which can be accessed on the following page: Electronic Reporting Portal (