The Csokonai Theater is being renovated with world-class technology

  • 2024-07-16

-“Buildings like this have a soul; their renovation must always be approached and carried out with great respect.” –

For this kind of work, an excellent and dedicated team is essential, such as the team of over one hundred engineers currently strengthening Hunép.

“We also pay close attention to supporting their development, professional training, further education, and salary improvements,” – said CEO Miklós Bakos on Debrecen Television.

Last year, Hunép Zrt. celebrated its 30th anniversary. Founded in 1991, the company concluded last year with one of the highest turnovers in its history, approximately 20 billion forints. Many significant urban projects are associated with the name Hunép, such as the Nagyerdei Stadium, the Aquaticum Strand, the International School, and the currently ongoing renovation of the Csokonai Theater.

Hunép has taken on and completed projects not only locally but also nationwide, participating in about 900 projects so far. Miklós Bakos, the company’s CEO, was a guest on Debrecen Television’s program “Evening Close-Up.”

“In the past three decades, we have been involved in the construction of the city of Debrecen and have taken on special projects. During the construction, we encountered more challenging tasks, but these develop and inspire us,” – emphasized Miklós Bakos.

During the nearly three-year project, various architectural solutions, traces of past renovations, and interventions had to be uncovered and evaluated, posing significant challenges for us. We have passed the excavation phases and the reconstruction of the structure, and now we are integrating technology that fully meets today’s expectations and represents the top category worldwide, thereby bringing the best opportunities to the audience in Debrecen.

The Debrecen region is particularly fortunate in terms of investments, which draws in the workforce. However, we think long-term and maintain partnerships with our contractor partners, which adequately ensures our opportunities. We have also made significant progress in terms of wages,” added the CEO.


The full interview can be viewed here: