The underground garage on sas street is more than work, its a collaborative creation
- 2024-07-17
We were visited by the editorial team of HAON, during which János Zsiros, the chief project engineer of our company, shared the following about the ongoing works:
-“The primary consideration in the construction of the underground garage is the safety of pedestrians and the surrounding buildings. Our company has been building the city of Debrecen for over 30 years, always with the utmost care. We love the city and our profession, and these are the tasks that motivate us. Buildings have a soul, especially in this downtown environment. Creating an underground garage next to this iconic building is special for us. We feel the responsibility and draw motivation from it to perform work worthy of our predecessors. Based on the past and using innovative technologies of the present, we aim to create harmony. Every such project is more than work; it’s a collaborative creation.” –
We installed a system on the roof of the building at 2 Sas Street, which continuously records real-time data with the help of prisms mounted on the surrounding buildings. These prisms monitor the subsidence of the buildings. When they all move simultaneously, the system recognizes that the position of the building on Sas Street has changed.
The diaphragm walling works are completed, and we are currently rebuilding the watertight diaphragm walls and constructing the capping beam on the western side.
Diaphragm walling is a process of delineating the work area to prevent the surrounding buildings from suffering permanent structural changes. The uniqueness of our diaphragm walling technique lies in using a watertight diaphragm wall, which can curb the movement of groundwater, thereby ensuring the avoidance of subsidence.
The reinforcement is followed by earthworks: we first excavate the soil up to 4 meters below the surface, where archaeological excavation begins. Preliminary archaeological documentation suggested that the foundation of a 15th-century Franciscan monastery might be located somewhere under Dósa nádor Square. According to our latest information, the building itself is likely located elsewhere, but the burial sites and ancillary buildings can be found around the underground garage area.
The works are expected to be completed by autumn 2023. Cars will access the first underground level via a ramp parallel to the building at 2 Sas Street from Kossuth Street. The underground garage will have staggered levels, with three levels on one side and four on the other.
The four-level underground garage, with 208 parking spaces, will include six parking spaces for the disabled and ten stations for charging environmentally friendly electric vehicles on each level.
Source: This article was prepared using information from an article published on
Photos: Tamás Czine
Editor: Júlia Orosz