There is no building type that we could not realize
- 2020-02-05

From the International School to the Innovation Centre, Hunép closed a very successful year in 2019. In January 2020, they can already see what they will do during the year.
In April 2018, a generation change was announced in the management of Hunép Zrt. The former CEO, Gyula Szűcs, introduced his successor. In 2019, the Hunép was already operating under the new management, and the company worked on some of high-profile projects, such as the International School of Debrecen and the new Nagyerdei Water Park. Miklós Bakos, the new CEO of Hunép Zrt., was a guest on Debrecen Television’s programme on public affairs called “Közügy”.
At the start of the interview, Mr. Bakos said that the first full year was a major challenge for him, since Hunép had shown an outstanding performance over the past 30 years. He added that the preparation for the change in management naturally started a long time before. In line with the requirements of the age, a proper due diligence procedure was conducted at the company, and they were able to start the year 2019 in a new setup, with a “fine-tuned organizational structure”. This maximum level of preparation was much needed, since the company had to deliver several major projects in 2019.
After the completion of the International School of Debrecen, they renovated an aquatic centre in Dunaújváros, finished the tennis centre of the University of Debrecen, built an industrial hall for Trans-Sped, and are finishing the plant of Vitesco Technologies.
In other words, they proved once again that practically there is no building type they could not realize.
“At the start of the year, we prepared a precise economic plan,” the CEO emphasized. “This, of course, is determined by the portfolio of contracts from the previous year, the projects coming up for contracting, as well as our free capacities. And then, on the expenses side, we also examined, on as many as a thousand lines, what expenditures we expect in the given year. This is an economic plan, which must be positive. Naturally, our most important task is the serve our existing and new customers in the highest quality.”
In connection with the construction of the International School of Debrecen, designed by the team of Péter Bordás, the CEO said that the project was a major challenge from a technical point of view, as well as due to the unique nature of the building – which was combined with a very tight deadline. Mr. Bakos added that he is proud of the work done, since it may also serve as a reference project, as a facility serving a unique educational concept in the country. He said he was also optimistic about the future.
“A period of boom has started in Debrecen, which all business companies should attempt to ride,” Bakos pointed out. “We must also find our place in this.”
From among the current projects of Hunép, it is undoubtedly the new water park, also designed by Bordás, which receives the most attention.
“This is also a very special task, as it is significantly different from all previous aquatic projects,” the CEO said. “Among other things, it involves some highly complex structural construction tasks. Buildings of such style and nature are needed, even if they give us, the contractors, headaches from time to time. I am hopeful that the users of the new water park will also have a positive opinion of it.”
Miklós Bakos said that the project is progressing according to schedule, and on their part, the planned opening in May should not be a problem.
Helping them is the fact that the winter period is less of an obstacle for modern technologies and building materials, since drying times are much shorter, for example. But the use of software, applications and tablets also contribute to faster on-site quality control and keeping track of drawings and plans.
The CEO also pointed out that, for their own successful operations, they also need a reliable base of subcontractors. They treat these companies as partners, and have worked with most of them for a long time. They strive to keep them, since it can be clearly sensed that a significant number of workers are missing from the Hungarian labour market. The way Bakos sees it, a team generally works 4-5 years abroad before returning home. The continuous increase in labour costs contributes to such an increase in the total expenses that it often makes the launching of a whole project impossible.
As regards the near future, they are looking forward to yet another order from the University of Debrecen, which is the construction of the Innovation Centre, also designed by Bordás. But they also have a project for the construction of Sauska’s winery near Tokaj. So, in January they can more or less already see the tasks for 2020…
You can watch the entire conversation (in Hungarian) here:
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